New Member Part 2

Organization Information

Your address below be displayed in our Business Directory.
Business Address
Business Unit Number
Postal Code
Enter Email
Confirm Email

Social Links[Your name here][Your name here][Your name here]

Directory Listing Information

Select up to a maximum of 3 primary categories.
Keywords and sub-category words to search from (e.g. Retail > Grocery, Retail > Florist, Media > Web Design, Services > IT, Recreation > Golf Facility)
Photos or Screenshots

Maximum file size: 6MB

Note: Any uploaded photo(s) will only appear on your listing if you have upgraded to an Enhanced, Influencer or Visionary membership.

Main Contact & Account Information (Deprecated)

The data collection for these fields is now done in the New Member (Join) Form. The existing data in this field will be migrated to Memberpress and eventually deleted (ideally by December 21, 2024). -Tyler

Main Contact & Account Information

Enter Email
Only lower case letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9) are allowed.

Additional Contacts

Please provide us with other admins and accounting people in your organization.
Additional Contact Name 1
Additional Contact Name 1
Additional Contact Name 2
Additional Contact Name 2
Additional Contact Name 3
Additional Contact Name 3

Membership Investment

Membership Type

All Chamber Members are promoted through our online business directory and print directory within selected categories and alphabetically. Please ensure all information provided is complete and correct. No additional charge applied. Included in your annual membership.

An Enhanced Member enjoys all of the benefits of a standard membership plus the following Chamber marketing perks for only $132 + HST on the Standard Membership price.

Enhanced Marketing Benefits

Promote your business at the highest level with the Chamber. Your business will rise to the top of the business listing page appropriate to your listing (accommodation, etc.). When visitors are looking for a service within your business category, your listing will be one of the first to be seen. You can also provide a photo/logo (jpg format) to be included in your directory listing.

An Influencer Member is your best buy, as it includes Enhanced membership features plus the following Chamber marketing perks for only $93 + HST more than our Enhanced Membership price.

Influencer Marketing Benefits

Receive 1 marketing eblast per year to our entire distribution list.

Promote your business at the highest level with the Chamber. Your business will rise to the top of the business listing page appropriate to your listing (accommodation, etc.). When visitors are looking for a service within your business category, your listing will be one of the first to be seen. You can also provide a photo/logo (jpg format) to be included in your directory listing.


HST: $ 35.75 CAD


HST: $ 52.91 CAD


HST: $ 65.00 CAD

Tax Exemption

***Business Memberships include $12 fee for Ontario Chamber of Commerce Membership
Payment Method
Credit Card Payment
Credit Card Payment