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We order our lobster from Pittman’s in Glace Bay, Nova Scotia. These live, one and a half pound lobsters, are cold-packed and shipped to Toronto on the Friday. Early Saturday morning they are picked up by our volunteers and by four o’clock that afternoon they are being prepared for your dinner.

The beef that we barbecue are top butts from Corsetti Meat Packers in Toronto. Each roast ranges from 10 to 12 pounds. They are placed on a rotisserie, slow cooked to perfection and then put in front of our expert carvers.

The bar opens at 5:30 p.m.

Dinner is served at 6:30 p.m.

Lobster & Beef Dinner – $50

Beef Dinner – $40

Come and join us for this popular event which is held at the Baysville Community Centre. Be sure to take part in our silent and live auctions.

Don’t be disappointed. Buy your tickets early as this “fun-for-all” evening is always a sell-out.

Door Prize is 4 Tickets for the next year’s Surf & Turf Dinner

Call Suzanne Villeneuve at 647-993-3114 or email suzvilleneuve@hotmail.com for more information.


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