The application portal for 2023 Canada Summer Jobs is now open. If you’re applying, you need to get your applications in by January 12, 2023. If last year was any indication, you want to upload before that date as some Members ran into issues with the Canada Summer Jobs site last year.

Learn more about Canada Summer Job grants here:

Download Application Guide here: CSJ-2023-applicant-guide


Our Tips for You:

Tip 1: Offer a better than minimum wage and we suggest better than living wage. The living wage in Muskoka is now $19.05. (Higher wages earn you 10 points on your application: you won’t get any for minimum wage only.)

Tip 2: Often these grants only cover 6-8 weeks. If you are planning on keeping your student all summer answer YES when the application asks you if you plan to retain the student after the grant period. (5 points)

Tip 3: When applying,, make sure you are answering these Local Ontario priorities posted for Parry Sound-Muskoka (10 points) and National Priorities earn you 15 points (See Assessment Criteria):

  • Support for a local event: Community events
  • Support for a specific type of project: Projects supporting environmental protection
  • Support for a specific type of project: Projects supporting not for profit organizations
  • Support for a specific type of project: Projects supporting small businesses
  • Support for projects in a specific economic sector: Arts, entertainment and recreation

Tip 4: Mention in your application that you are a Chamber Member and please tell us, your Muskoka Lakes Chamber, as we let MP Aitchison’s office know to watch for your application. For example, one company listed as an Ontario Incorporated company was never getting grants. When we identified the company for the MP’s office, they finally got a grant.

IMPORTANT: Don’t leave your application to the last minute. We’ve seen these grant applications time out if you’re doing them online. Either copy and paste what you write into a Word or other document or write your answers in a document first and then paste your answers into the application. Don’t leave it to the last day or you’ll cause yourself undue stress.

Our Executive Director Norah is on holidays December 3 to December 19. If you want her to take a look at your grant or help you in any way, please make an appointment with her via between January 3 and January 9.

OTHER STUDENT WORKPLACE FUNDING: Magnet Wage Subsidies are back for Winter, Spring and Summer 2023 through our Chamber’s Student Workplace Program. This can be a tricky process but is a really good tool for hiring and possibly getting funding for a Work Integrated Learning position (such as co-op or internship). You can also use the connected Outcome Campus Connect to hire graduates. See our Student Workplace Program or Click Here to register and get started right away. Tip: Save your job description in a document and fill out the job posting first, then apply for a wage subsidy. Let us know if we can help you through this process. Again, it can be tricky and somewhat frustrating, but the effort can pay off. Your Chamber hired three students in 2021 through this program – one on a 125 hour Internship and two others on 420 hour Co-Op programs in the summer and fall/winter semesters.

Final note for non-profits: The provincial Summer Experience Program wage subsidy application notice should arrive in your inbox sometime this December and your Chamber is advocating for this grant to be made available for applicable private companies as well.

Happy grant hunting.