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All welcome to join the Chamber and the Legion as we launch as series of Lunch and Learn events on Saturdays at the Bala Legion. We kick things off with Chamber Member Kasa Kana’s presentation of Cannabis 101 with Aren and Katie answering your questions about this growing licensed business and what you need to know about cannabis and CBD today.

Event Details

When: Saturday, December 14, 11:30am-1pm Pizza, nibbles and coffee/tea provided free.

Where: Bala Legion on Maple Street in Bala.

RSVP to admin@muskokalakeschamber.ca by Friday, Dec. 13 before 430pm so we can food ready.

Non alcoholic drinks, baked goods and pizza provided courtesy of Kasa Kana. Admission is FREE. Please RSVP to admin@muskokalakeschamber.ca today.

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