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Restoring Our Relationship
With the Natural World

May 24-25, 2018
Rene Caisse Theatre
Bracebridge, Ontario


The 2018 Muskoka Summit on the Environment aims to understand and promote a variety of perspectives to examine how to bring ethics into our relationship with the biosphere. We will explore the extent of our impacts on the planet and various views of our place in nature.

The human population and our demands on the natural world have grown to the point where we are now a major driver of the rapid changes to the planet. But humans are woven into the web of life and we can no longer think of “us” (humans) and “it” (nature). A new consciousness is required for we have a crucial role to play in promoting the health of the biosphere as a place where humans can survive.

The 2018 Summit will explore the role of cultures, religions and science in building a more balanced and ethical understanding of our place on Earth.

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